Whether you are a new Birmingham resident or visiting for a short time and whether you are an experienced or beginner runner, the Birmingham Track Club (BTC) will help you reach your running goals! The BTC provides opportunities to meet other runners and find running and training partners and groups that are at your desired training level.
If you are new to running , you’ll benefit from all of the above. You’ll also receive information and training that will nurture your passion for a running lifestyle. All BTC sponsored socials, runs or races are open to both Birmingham Track Club members and non-members. We encourage our members to participate in these events and support new runners, sharing with them their experiences, successes, and even failures.
The Birmingham Track Club’s 2024 8 week Fall 5K/10K training program is designed for beginner athletes or those returning to running postpartum or after an injury or other break. This training program is part of the BTC Saturday Moderate Group social runs. Session One begins August 10th and has a goal race of the 5K or 10K as part of the BHM 26.2 weekend events. Session Two begins September 7th and has a goal race of the Vulcan 10k. Read below for more details. Interested? Just hit this link to let us know!
Fall Session One: August 10 – October 6 (Goal race is BHM 5K or 10K)
- Training Plan Cost: Free! But $24 annual BTC membership is encouraged and BTC members receive a race registration discount.
- Session Start: Saturday, Aug 10 Launch Event + BTC Social starting from TrimTab (2721 5th Ave S, Birmingham, AL 35233) Join us early at 6:15am – we will go over what to expect, the pace groups, the schedule, etc. Then set out on our first run followed by our BTC summer social. If you are unable to attend the launch let us know: ModerateRuns@BirminghamTrackClub.com All other group runs will start on Saturdays at 6:30am from TrakShak in Homewood (2839 18th St S, Birmingham, AL 35209).
- Target Paces
Walkers (16-18 minute/mile) All walking, no intervals
Pace 1 (12:30-13:30 minute/mile) Run 30 sec, Walk 30sec
Pace 2 (11:30-12:30 minute/mile) Run 2mins, Walk 1 min
Pace 3 (11:00-12:00 minute/mile) All running, no walk intervals
The Fall 2024 BTC 5K and 10K Training Program features:
- In-person group run/walks on Saturdays at 6:30am
- Run leads to guide and encourage you and help keep you accountable
- Training plans grounded in science and experience courtesy of Resolute Running’s RRCA-certified coaches
- Private message platform to build community and camaraderie
Fall Session Two: September 7 – November 2 (Goal race is Vulcan 10K)
- Check back soon for Session Two details
*All BTC events are volunteer-led social runs done at your own risk.
Running is booming and there is no time like the present to improve your health, fitness and lifestyle through running. This section will introduce you to the basics of getting started with your running lifestyle. A new runner who is healthy (with no family history of heart disease), under 50, within 20 percent of their ideal weight, probably does not need to get their doctor’s approval before starting a running program. In fact, some people use their poor health or lack of fitness as an excuse to never getting moving—“I’m too out of shape to run!”
If someone is 20 percent or more above the ideal weight for their height and age, over 50, or if they have any real or possible health problems such as heart disease, diabetes, hypertension or joint or bone problems, they should consult their doctor before beginning the running program.
Source: https://www.rrca.org/resources/runners/getting-started; Accessed April 23, 2020.
Introduction: Running continues to grow in popularity. More and more people are taking up the sport. More people are running 5-K races. More are running marathons. An even larger number simply run for fitness and never go near a starting line, or win a race T-shirt.
There are many good reasons. Running is simple and inexpensive. It’s a good way to lose weight. It makes you feel good. Running is good for your health. You’ll look better and have more energy if you learn to run.
Many people ask questions about beginning to run on my online forums. They want to know how to start running. They want a training program. They want information about shoes and equipment. They worry about sore muscles.
Every runner experiences what might be described as “Start-Up” problems. Many have “Restart” problems. Former runners (who stopped, for one reason or another) want to get back to their old running routines. They too need help.
Here is how to start–and how to restart. Click on the links below and you can become a runner too:
Source: http://www.halhigdon.com/training/51233/Beginning-Runner-Training-Guide; Accessed January 18, 2018.
As you become more aware of Birmingham’s area running community, you are encouraged to become a member of the Birmingham Track Club to enhance your running lifestyle. If you have any questions on becoming a BTC member that aren’t answered on the membership page, contact us at info@birminghamtrackclub.com.